Sunday, July 31, 2005


heryzen @ 14 st - july 31
made with 33 pictures, autopano 1.03, hugin panorama .5, and the gimp 2.2

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by phunktion.
This is the boisenberry bush behind the house= plenty to go around - sprouted about ten more seedlings around the 'hood - next year or so. Very tart, not bitter, not sweet, amazing yield. yum

to whit - each one of them is about 1" inch long by 3/4" an inch diameter - amazin

Let Every Little Thing You Do With Love - Bob Marley

No recovery from Bob Marley of late ;) no cure needed. Love is one of the really awesome tracks to come out in the release of "best of" albums in the last couple years - it's really pretty with Rita & the 3 I's chiming in every time the word "Love" is repeated...
Still gotta figure out what they're saying in the last stanza.. beautiful - go to Ernie B's if you need a copy...

Let every little thing you do with Love
And every little thing you say with Love
Let every little thing you do with Love
And every little thing you say with Love
True True Love, Love
Sweet Sweet Love, Love
Holding me this way with Love
Keeping me this way with Love
The way you're holding me this way with Love
is just a keeping me this way with love
Love Love
Sweet sweet Love
True true Love, Love
<--sweet trumpet interlude-->
Sweet Love
True Love

We gotta read??? somewhere with Love
Everybody gotta be there with Love
We gotta read??? somewhere with Love
And everybody gotta be there with Love
True true Love
Sweet sweet Love
Love love
True true Love
Sweet sweet Love
Sweet Love

Vega ZZ TOP ROCKS!! Molecular Modeling Tutorial

Whatta sweet program - up there with PYMOL

The integration of ESCHER NG adds Docking capability (the ability to toss a 3D protein file (eg PDB and test its compatability with another protein or a small ligand. To take advantage of this tool you may choose to first apply the MOPAC6 - this will perform quantum mechanic functions on selected regions - by selecting pockets from a 3d server like the Leeds Bioinformatic Pocket Finder You can adjust the selected pocket regions from the resulting pdb file to better understand the docking potentials...

In our example we will look at how the tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase [Cannabis sativa (hemp)] molecule you can download the pdb file from the National Institute of Health

Thursday, July 07, 2005

change atom style isis chime

change atom style isis chime
Originally uploaded by phunktion.
A sweet tutorial is now available on that'll show you how to design a small 50s ish atom molecule and clean it up to get into Rasmol .mol format for 3d viewing pleasure - stay tuned in for a groovy Pymol tutorial soon to follow.

To follow this tutorial you'll need a copy of MDL Chime - a free chemistry modeller / design tool provided by Elsevier MDL

Friday, July 01, 2005

Classy Lady Advises "Get yo fat ass in a lap band biatch!!"

Pageant Coaching at Classy Lady - get your fat ass in a lap band!

***revision*** ok so it was a banner ad - still it's a classic, and there are two of them there from lap-band surgeons in Mexico
This is lap-band lab-laugh-spictacular Check it out - you can't make this up

This one has got to be one of the most epic sites to date - straight up - are you a fat ass? ok, go to our Mexican Dr. named Pedro and have him hove a ring around your fat stomach and quit eating! :)
Dr. Pedro Kuri at your convenience - and a mere hop skip and no malpractice jump across the border.... Voyla! Fighting your gargantuan gluttony is a disease, and Dr. Pedro has the cure.
gut wrench, check.  tacos, check.  what part of stop eating you fat-ass dont you understand?

What part of "Stop eating, you fat bastard" don't you understand - course the doc's jus' doin' his job - repeat business is good business....

ah well.