Monday, November 14, 2005

Brian Park, Meadow Creek, DynaMIT, ILUTE, and UrbanSIM

Digital urban landscaping is legos for geeks. Uber-geeks like Dr. Byungkyu Park of UVa's prestigous Civil Engineering department lead teams of students through missions on a Sim Cityish level capturing dynamic data from highways to discover efficiencies in transportation scenarios... collaborating with the MIT team they have developed an open source model known as DynaMIT. One can easily imagine a posse of geeks banging around in labs at two in the morning gobbling coffee while listening to the latest AC/DC record slamming in the background.

Dr. Park immediately recognized my intentions and graciously steered me away from, by the sounds of it, what would be a great alternative for a senior thesis project...

Dr. Park spoke realistically and to our means, also suggesting that we work with the service groups in the department and think about using a tested model survey such as TACOS designed in Toronto, Canada.

So after looking around it's probably going to be UrbanSim and ILUTE
tutorials to come in sha'allaah

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